Really tired over the past few days, buy I'm holding on, and intact, Sunday really lifted me up cause of the highboys sermon ad well as the show I watched last night-faith like potatoes. Angus Buchan- my new role model as a man of faith!!
Valentines Day is today, and I'm really glad to have celebrated it with my Council peeps. I'm glad that I have been blessed with such friends, because they really can make up one's day. Sure their all whacky and spontaneous, not like me, and I admit that it's hard to fit in at times, but Im really glad that they're able to accept me for who I am.
One of them even said I'm evolving to be like them, haha.
But yeah, I wanted to share just this one thing, cause it made my whole day worthwhile.
No, its cause I was asked out or got cool gifts. (I didn't btw, haha)
This is how it went down:
Hanged with Council peeps till evening so that we could claim the extra roses we sold for Valentines day for our own.
I took 4 roses back with me, one pink, one orange, and two yellow.
Standing at the bus stop, I felt this prompting to givethis random girl a rose. I sumpah/chop that i havenever met her before, so I chose to ignore the heart feeling cause it'll be so awkward.
Okay. So I get up the bus, and when I'm in, I sit opposite this young lady from MJC. Now I see that she's glancing time and time again at the roses. I was reminded about what happened at last years Megalife camp, and that I didn't want to miss out on the second chance God gave. So yes, I followed my heart's prompting, and I gave this lady the spare yellow rose in the end.
When I stepped out of the bus, oh man, I was so happy that I was able to make someone know that she's significant. I'm able to appreciate this more especially after I read Captivating(really good book btw, go read it with Wild At Heart).
I'm glad that I gavethat rose. No strings attached. One thing Angus talked about in the film Faith Like Potatoes was something like this: God isn't looking for ability, He's looking for availability.
Today, I'm satisfied to know God's already using me.
SOOGI- simply one of God's instruments.